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We’re committed to providing the highest quality products, workmanship and customer satisfaction and believe that regular feedback from our customers is vital in measuring our performance.

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We know that every creator is unique and as requirements vary, so do prices.

In general we work to a fixed price which is either

A weekly fee for a given number of videos
A price per individual video (which can be calculated as a set fee for every video of a given format, or by raw footage time)

Prices reflect the turnaround time, quantity of work, technical expertise required, and a few other factors which can be explained specifically for your content on a call.

However, if you're just looking for a rough figure, it would be $100-140 USD for a 4 hour vlog or gaming edit, depending on the above factors.

If you’d like to get a more detailed quote on your channel, please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you within 24h.

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Developing your career is our primary goal